If you have been thinking about selling your home in Florida, NOW IS A GREAT TIME TO SELL!
Results on Recent Transactions
> 3300 NE 191st Street, Aventura FL:
- Sold for $22K over Seller's asking price, after only 5 days on market!
> 1000 Island Blvd, Williams Island, Aventura, FL:
- Obtained a 9.7% discount for the Buyer!
> SE 23rd Ave, Homestead, FL:
- Obtained an 8.8% discount for the Buyer!
> 2000 Towerside Terrace, Miami Shores, FL:
- Negotiated new lease @ 94.4% of Landlord's original asking price with 12 days on market!
> 888 Biscayne Blvd, Miami, FL:
- Negotiated new lease @ 108.9% of Landlady's original asking price with 28 days on market!